You Are Here Now

When constructing our lives, making mindful and impactful decisions, we should always be making the most advantageous and beneficial choices for us as we move within this world. These choices must be impactful, expressive, and meaningful within our own lives and within the lives of those closest to us. But, and this is a big but, we must have space within our lives first to make these decisions. Many of us are tethered to our current lives by the decisions from our past, whether they be good or bad. The accumulations of these decisions have resulted in your current situation, and largely contribute to the satisfaction of our experience of the world. That is to say, that you are here now, because of all your past decisions. You are here now within your life because of all the steps you have taken, whether they be forward or backward, and now must deal with the repercussions of your former actions. By accepting the fact that we are products of our past interactions and environments, we can begin to consciously make the changes we find necessary to live our most authentic life path. By starting to make changes within your life, you will naturally begin to free up space within yourself. Breaking old habits, examining your current life, and ultimately making choices that are most sensitive to your current, and perhaps future needs will result in new space and experience within your life, trust me.

Change is often difficult within our lives, and many of us are very resistant to the thought of changing our current lifestyles and behaviors, but it is this hurdle that we must overcome. The most difficult step in change is the first. Taking that first big step to conquer your fear of doing something that is unfamiliar to you, something that you might be terrible at or may make you feel disappointed within yourself. That is the complexity of experience, that we can simultaneous desire change within our lives, while concurrently being fearful of performing the activity, or the result that may come from the encounter itself. The true result of experience is knowing and understanding. By experiencing new things within our lives, we become aware of the experiences that we desire more of within our lives and those which we do not. There is a self selection within the environment, as we grow and involve ourselves with new activities and people. The point remains the same though: There will be no growth within your life without first involving yourself in something new and different, something that challenges your current notions of self.

This is perhaps one of the most important elements of making space within your life: By finding out what you don’t like, you will find that you quickly find out what you do like. By  going out into the world, and gaining knowledge within the capacity of your own choices and expression, we begin to see very clearly the things within this world that do and don’t serve us. If we are to understand the very temporary nature of life, then we should at all times be making decisions that are most beneficial to our experience within this world, both today and for our futures. Once you have made enough space within your life to adopt the route of least resistance, or rather the route that challenges you in the ways that you see fit, you can begin to build the foundations for what you wish to accomplish in the future. By making the choices that are most impactful for your life now, you sow the seeds that you will reap in the future.


Art Collection 101


The Curated Path