John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” Photographing the natural world has been sparking joy in my life for as long as I can remember. I’ve spent my life gathering inspiration from the world around me, and imprinting the lessons learned upon my own existence.

My work is a reflection of my relationship with nature, and the cycle of life upon which it relies. The effortlessness of each ecosystem’s ongoing symbiotic existence fascinates and inspires me.


About Me:

A spiritual cowboy of sorts, I’ve traveled the world seeking the most awe striking and inspiring locations. My love for travel and adventure is perhaps only surpassed by my interest in gaining a greater understanding of myself, and how I can grow to become more impactful and engaging within my community.

I pride myself in taking high quality images that convey the emotion and intensity of the landscapes that surround me. Photography has a unique way of transporting the viewer to the location and moment in time in which a picture was captured, encapsulating a perfect moment in time. These are the moments I aim to capture.