Art Collection 101

When we begin to think in such a way, that each decision will be impactful and ultimately become a work of art on the wall of our gallery, we may begin to think much more thoughtfully about each of our decisions, with special attention paid to those that have the ability to mold and shape our lives. The permanent pieces within our gallery, the ones that we cherish within our lives, and intend to celebrate and embrace for the entirety of lifespan on this earth; those are the pieces that we must pay special attention to, making sure that they are always dusted, straightened, and mended when in need of repair. The permanent exhibit within our showcase should be filled with the most conscious and intentional pieces possible as it is those that will fill our consciousness on a daily basis. When we reflect on our permanent exhibits, we should be showcasing our best motives, intentions, and decisions within our lives, proudly displaying that which we take the most pride in.

Because of the ever changing nature of life, there will ultimately be pieces within your gallery that are parts of traveling exhibits. There may be pieces that you would like to keep within your gallery, but ultimately they must move on. Contrarily, there will perhaps be pieces that you would like to remove from your gallery, that are stubborn and would prefer to stay. This is perhaps the most complex part of curating your own exhibit within your life, that with some intentionality we can place the most important pieces within our visage, but it is only through experimentation and openness to new ideas within our collection that we will end up growing our assemblage to new heights. There are very few stagnant collections within the world, as most are constantly being appraised, being added to and subtracted from.

This is perhaps one the most important facets of life to understand and grow from: Life is in constant flux. We are constantly adding to or subtracting from our lives in many ways, constantly appraising the worth of our collection of experiences as human beings. We can only truly learn and grow into the most realized form of our humanity by assessing our past opportunities and experiences and then learning from them as we ascend to greater heights within our lives. There is no shame whatsoever in completely demolishing your entire gallery and starting fresh if the situation demands such. This is the true nature of life, as we really don’t stop receiving choices within our lives until our lives have actually expired. There is always time to ship out all your old works of art, and replace them with new ones, more suited to your lifestyle and who you aim to become in the future. Art is about taste, not about the art itself, so make sure that your gallery reflects who you are as a person, and ultimately what you find beautiful within your own life experience.


The Decay of Life


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