The Curated Path

When we begin to live consciously within our lives, our paths begin to be structured by our own merits and decision making. This in turn makes self examination in retrospect significantly easier than it would be in an unconsciously driven life. By examining how we got to where we are within our lives by thoughtfully examining our lifestyles, choices, and ambitions, we can unpack why we ended up at the obstacle that we are currently stuck behind within our lives. Often, even after significant conscious unpacking, these obstacles cannot be explained by any other means aside from the temporary nature of relationships, the cycle of life, or outside circumstance. Upon this earth there is a greater force and contract that we are all bound by, and these obstacles are inevitable within our experience of humanity. However, there will be a multitude of points within one's life, that we will have the ability to interpret and gather information within a situation, and then consciously and intentionally change our lives for the better.

If we are aware of what we are doing, and subsequently how we got there, we can take steps to have greater understanding as to how to avoid those encounters that do not please us within our path in the future. By gathering knowledge and awareness within our path, we can take on new found responsibility within our lives with the knowledge, that we are largely the makers of our own fates. When it comes to understanding and growing within our conscious path, we must remember that we acted intentionally, shit got fucked up, we learned, and eventually we moved on. That's the best we can do. By starting to make more and more intentional decisions within our life’s path, it is my firm belief that our lives naturally become more intentional. There are less events of suffering from externality, because you have garnered the most intentional situation for yourself. You have curated your life in such a way that you exist within a network of your own choices, your own experience of the world. If you must suffer from your own intentional decisions, perhaps this is the best type of suffering to encounter.

The curated path is perhaps the best way to illustrate exactly what I’m getting at in this whole conversation. It is perhaps just in the same way that an art enthusiast collects the pieces that he or she finds most valuable, beautiful, and awe inspiring: We must curate our own art collection within our lives, placing only the most beautiful, valuable, and awe inspiring people, places, and things within our lives. Why should it be so that we live in a museum of portraits that are in bad taste to us? It should be so that we extract the works that displease us, that are of no value to us, and replace them with works that we find more valuable and pleasing to ourselves. It is perhaps this metaphor, that we can curate our choices in such a way that our life is completely of our own doing. Each work within your gallery represents a choice you’ve made within your life: The decision is up to us whether we allow that work to take up space within our gallery, or replace it with a new piece.


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Suffering as Necessity