Reality by Design

The consequences of our most intentional decisions are the kinds that may lead to the most significant heartbreaks, losses, and changes within our lives. Perhaps we may have encountered these hurdles while acting unconsciously, but when we engineer our reality with purpose, I believe that these events become somewhat exaggerated. These events within our lives serve as reminders and lessons to educate us on the merits of the human experience. By living intentionally, these lessons become specifically applicable to us and our lifestyles, rather than being broadstrokes experiences, the fodder for made for TV movies. There is no doubt that when you are living your life in its most authentic and honest way, you begin to see the world in a very different way. The world around you begins to become an experience generated by you, and your choosing. By consciously choosing each thing we do within our day, our world truly becomes a manifestation of our own reality. Yes, the outside world still exists and ticks on just as you, but our choice to interact with integrity to ourselves will inextricably lead to some form of happiness.

What I’ve found from personal experience though, is that this course of action often comes with reactions from the world that may seem extreme at the time. One of the most recognized truths within this universe is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This sentiment, in my experience, not only affects the world outside of us, but also our internal universe. Perhaps the only way to avoid reaction within ourselves or our worlds, is simply to address our issues with inaction. Not every situation merits action on our parts, and it is our resposnsibility to decide what is best in each situation within our lives. That being said, for each action we take within our lives, there will be a proportional and equal reaction within our worlds. It can be seen from the smallest of interactions, simply holding the door open for a stranger at the supermarket, to the grandest and most impactful decisions that we choose. We must be the arbiters of the course of our lives, selecting the correct interactions that match with our own authentic nature.

The underlying principle of this philosophy, is that by taking actions within our own lives, even if those actions are within ourselves, the ripple into our lives will be there, and will match the intensity of effort exerted. The opportunity to design our lives exists within our moment to moment decisions: As we guide our ships through the waters of life, we likely won’t be presented with the same opportunities more than once. The stranger that you held the door for at the grocery store likely won’t be there again later that day. We must seize the opportunities that we desire for ourselves, knowing that each action performed within our lives is likely fleeting within the context of our current per view. This is perhaps the metaphor within the overall schema, is that by simply increasing the amount of action within your life, your life will create subsequent equal and opposite reactions. There are a multitude of opportunities within our lives every day that provide us the occasion to either use action or inaction. I’m not advocating taking action in every component and moment of our lives, however, I am advocating for taking action in the components that you feel are most impactful and beneficial to you.


Action for Growth

