Impactful Environs
By fostering our environment, and constantly challenging ourselves to identify what is and what isn’t beneficial to our growth, we can become uniquely aware of the propensity for environment to affect our trajectory. The greatest pianist in the world could perform beautfiully in many instances, but ask them to play in a subway station with a mini keyboard and you would likely garner significantly different results. Great talent not only takes great nurturing and patience, but also conscious positioning within one’s environment in order to culture growth and permeate one’s own landscape with success and beauty. To be mediocre within this world is quite easy, but to be truly great within anything you do will require a distinct awareness of self and your surroundings. In my experience, in order to be truly successful and joyful within your life, great attention must be paid to whom and what you interact with within your life. We must remain vigilant of what is holding us back from being the most authentically successful versions of ourselves at all times.
This is perhaps to say that we must remain fluid within our quest to be the greatest versions of ourselves. The environment that had previously provided success and stability in your life may no longer serve you, and this assessment can often be difficult and painful. By remaining aware of our surroundings and how they influence our behavior and outcomes, we can not only become the best versions of ourselves, but foster that growth in the best environs possible. To remain stagnant within ones life, both in geographical location and conscious awareness of ones self is to refuse the natural evolution of the human being within this world. We are not meant to be rooted steadfastly within the soil that we were born into, just as we were not meant to have the same preponderance of ideas, ethics, and values throughout the entirety of our lives.
Perhaps just as the animal evolves within their environment to adapt and survive, so do we as humans. Humans often wish to find evolution or deep growth within this lifetime, but when we examine how evolution works, it is a process that takes an immense amount of time and energy. Visible evolution within species takes lifetimes of input and information from their environments before actual evolution comes to bear. This is perhaps to say that if we wish to endeavor personal evolution within one lifetime, we must be very particular about culturing ourselves and our environment so that we can live the most positive and impactful lifetime. Acute focus and discipline must remain tenants that we hold dear if our goal is to evolve into the highest forms of our own beings. We must take great care to select the means and locations by which we live if we wish to achieve full realization of our personal evolution within a singular lifetime.