Examining Mindfulness

When we begin the process of examining the depths of our consciousness, we begin to understand the effects that thoughts have on our psyche. Our thoughts can make our minds a beautiful paradise to live within, or a terrible jail to be trapped inside. Just like any other activity that we aim to become better at, we must train ourselves through practice to become the best possible keepers of our own domain. When we are mindful of exactly how we intend to keep our mental gardens, one can begin to consciously remove the thoughts and beliefs that don't belong within. Our environment can play such an important role within our success as individuals, so we should subsequently culture our environment to our greatest benefit, both internally and externally. If we are aware of what serves us within the physical world, shouldn’t we also be aware of thoughts and internal beliefs that serve us? We should perhaps aim to only propagate the most authentic and impactful seeds within our mental gardens. By only planting the ideas and thoughts within our subconscious that we truly wish to grow to bear fruit, we become the curators of our minds.  We should treat our minds and thoughts like a splendid garden, only cultivating and growing the most impactful ideologies for our existence. When nurtured and cared for, a garden can bear great results.

The practice of mindfulness revolves around many activities within ones life, and can be promoted within just about any part of your day. When we begin to unpack all the different pillars of mindfulness, and the techniques one can implement within their life to become more mindful, we musn’t disregard the importance of one key pillar within the process. It is my belief that before we can begin to implement these practices effectively, we must first become masters of our own minds. Without being conscious within your thoughts, mindfulness simply serves as a daily reminder to be more present within our lives. This is not an inherently bad thing, as many of us simply need to be more present within our lives, but to become truly immersed within the practice, simply scattering the seeds of mindfulness onto barren ground may not be good enough. We must create a solid basis for mindfulness to take root within our beings, a foundation on which to grow into the most authentic version of ourselves.

Once sewn and nurtured, our midful gardens begin to bear the fruit which we have earned with our earnest intention. If we were careful to maintain our garden in a fastidious manner, the results will match our intentions stored within. Perhaps one of the best ancillary benefits of cratfitng intentional space within yourself, is that you will notice when something is askew from your internal intention. Just as in the physical world, we reap the mental seeds that we sew. If one desires something within their life, we must take the steps both mentally and physically to pursue those goals. We must align our mental intentions with our physical actions if we wish to have congruity between our mental desire and physical outcomes. Only when these two align will we be able to tease out the best from our internal and external ecosystems. Once your garden is only filled with the most beautiful and fragrant flowers, the most savory and delectable fruits and vegetables, things become far simpler. We are able to immediately spot something that doesn’t belong within our ecosystem, and promptly remove it from our plot, hastening our transition to best possible outcomes.


Celebrate Development


Consistency for Progress