Celebrate Development

Progress within our lifetimes can be a slow and arduous process. We often feel mired within our current situations, unable to perceive a way to alter our current course. Feeling stuck within our lives is simply part of the process of life, as it allows us the opportunity to examine our current lifestyles and patterns and make changes within our holding patterns and behaviors. Progress within our lives is largely an incremental process of evolution, and often is hard to see with a lens that can only see the small scale. This is why, perhaps, when looking at the intricacies of our lives, we should use a microscope. We should use a microscope so that we can scan for the most minute detail, the smallest differences, and begin to track their patterns within our lives. When examining our lives in the smallest of scales, we must wholeheartedly celebrate progress within our path when we have opportunity, because often by the time we notice significant change within our lives, things have indeed changed significantly.

We must measure and appreciate our progress on a daily basis, and give ourselves grace when we don’t immediately begin to sail in the direction of our wildest dreams. By celebrating the smallest wins within our lives, we can begin to see that we are indeed on the path to becoming our truest and most authentic selves. Remember, we will encounter hurdles within our lives no matter the path we choose, and when altering our course in life, the new obstacles may present as challenging and unfamiliar. This is perhaps part and parcel of the process though, as when traveling uncharted waters we must acknowledge that uncharted obstacles will be encountered. This is why giving acknowledgement to the small wins, the minute appreciations within your life becomes so important. Celebrate the little achievements, give gratitude and grace to yourself and others, if only for a moment. It is only when we can come to realize that the smallest achievements pile into large achievements, that we begin to notice that it's the small ones that truly matter.

Substantive change and self evolution can absolutely occur within one lifetime, so it is perhaps our duty within this life to live impactful lives that are filled with meaning. If change is inherent within our lifetimes, we must aim for that change to be positive and to ultimately benefit us within our path to the greatest sense of self authenticity.  If our goal is evolution we must aim to evolve to be more skillful, knowledgeable, and intellectual than the generation that came before us. We must learn from their mistakes within the human environment, and aim to live our lives not in replication, but in progress. Impactful lives don’t occur by accident: The choices and experiences that define us within our path determine the lasting impact of your evolution on those that come after you. Celebrate your progress as you evolve into what you aim to be.


Greater Forces


Examining Mindfulness