Consistency for Progress

It is only through awareness of each seemingly diminutive act of our lives, that we can begin to unpack what actually makes us productive and impactful within this world, and what conversely does not. It is perhaps as simple as examining the patterns which we follow in our daily lives, the routines by which we have become comfortable with and consequently subject ourselves to. By taking account of ourselves, the actions we perform both consciously and unconsciously, and their subsequent effects, we can begin to sort out what exactly is authentic to us, and what it is inherited. This is a lifetime pursuit as we grow and change within the scope of our lives, so too do our needs, desires, and aspirations. We must be mindful within the scope of our activities and thoughts in such a way that we ensure that we are always aligning with the facets of our lives that are most important and significant to us, as well as the world around us. Consistency is important as you progress within your life.

We must aim to offer ourselves consistency within our evolution: By being consistent as we evolve within ourselves, and begin to see that as we align ourselves, so too will our world come to be synchronous with our actions. This synchronicity with the world, and consistency that we offer ourselves can manifest in a number of different ways, but it ultimately must result in a focused push forward with intention. We must find the parts of ourselves that we truly believe are important to us and our evolution, and separate out the pieces that don’t belong. We must evolve ourselves consciously in such a way that every bit of our being understands our intentions, because if we don’t understand our own intentions, how can we expect the world to? Our evolutions must inform not only who we are today, but also who we desire to be, as authentically as possible.

When we begin to act authentically and consistently with ourselves, we begin to enhance our intuition. Our natural ability to determine what action (or inaction) is best within a situation is a gift handed down through years of evolution within our species, the actual ability to intuit the subtext of a situation, is a serious gift. It is my opinion that perhaps we neglect our intuition too much within modern life, shrugging it off as anxiety or perhaps just a passing thought. However, when we begin to act authentically and consistently, metaphorically straightening ourselves out, and ridding our beings from that which does not belong, intuition becomes simply an insight to your own being. Intuition becomes the main story rather than the subtext, as we begin to trust ourselves unconditionally to make the most impactful decisions for ourselves within any given situation.

The long term effects of consistency then, unsurprisingly, are manifest through our intentionality within our lives. By scattering our lives about on a multitude of different pursuits, we are often offered scattered results within our lives. By focusing on your trajectory, and subsequenlty offering yourself consistency within that trajectory, it becomes more clear and easier to decipher what the next move will be within your pattern. Intuiting what the proper next step will be, or what the path of least resistance to your next step will become far easier when you trust yourself implicitly. In my opinion, in order to make true progress within your life goals, the trust in one’s own self is paramaount to success. We must understand that syncronicity within our internal and external dialogues, trusting our ambitions and intuitions, and subsequently acting on them will bring us the progress and focus that we desire. Consistency is the key that unlocks our most challenging doors.


Examining Mindfulness


Accumulation of Experience