Accumulation of Experience

Nothing is static, nothing stands still for you or for any other being within this world. It wasn’t until recently, pondering this wisdom after my 5th whisky one night, that I realized that it is perhaps, one of the core fundamental truths of our existence: No being in this world is not subject to the effects of time or mother natures deleterious effects. We are all subject to the power of our own time and experiences within this world, and despite our best efforts to escape, we inevitably accumulate experience through our action or subsequent inaction.  We have the ability to grow and shape our lives in whatever capacity we desire, or remain immobile like the rock in the middle of the stream. However, even the rock in the middle of the stream is subject to the surrounding world, slowly and constantly being eroded by the water that runs over it. That is to say, that in the spectrum of life we should opt to be the stream rather than the rock itself, always navigating the path of least resistance in order to achieve our ultimate goal. In order for us to evolve into the best versions of ourselves, we must act purposefully and with confidence. Just as the river bends and navigates the landscape of its environment over time, we must navigate our own lives with the same sense of intention and courage.  

Perhaps one of the most difficult sentiments to settle in the process of self evolution is that the effects of action or inaction are often not immediately known. Change is slow moving, even if it appears to take place suddenly. These so called sudden changes are actually the accumulation of actions or inactions, that swiftly expose themselves in such a way that it appears sudden. Therefore, when clamoring for results within your life, one must understand that the results are born from perseverance and dedication, at least those that produce the fruits that we desire the most within our lives. Because we can’t always see or feel change immediately, we must rely on the fact that all of our actions or inactions result in an accumulation of memory within the body. Our bodies and minds will take logs of whether we were kind to them, and developed them into their greatest potentials, or conversely if we decide to be negative and unfruitful with our labors, both physical and mental, within this life. It is ultimately then our choice to create joyful, loving, and impactful memories within the body and mind, in order to create a more joyful, loving, and impactful future for our world. 

Just as you will accumulate knowledge within your body and mind, so too did your ancestors and theirs. Although you may have been born in the 20th or 21st century, the depth of your knowledge in many forms is merely a product of the work, both physical and emotional from past generations. Their evolution up to this point is merely a jumping off point for you and your passions within your life.  Your inherent passion for baking or flower arranging very well could have been a profession practiced by elder statesmen within your family, and handed down on the invisible epigenetic line. Just as the evolution of any other animal species naturally flows to find a more thoughtful and productive environment, we must strive for the most impactful outcomes within our lives.


Consistency for Progress


The Benefit of Hindsight