Choose Wisely

 In most scenarios within our lives, the most significant events will involve very little overt choice on our part. Rather it will be the multitude of small choices that result in the ultimate situation in which we feel like we have little choice. Perhaps its best viewed as a glass, slowing filling with our impactful decisions, and one day is overflows. An overflowing cup is only an unfortunate situation when our cup is overflowing with something that is negative to us. If our cup is overflowing with love, and energy, there is in fact very little to complain about, as we have excess of the most important facets of life. So then, in cultivating our most authentic selves, it is perhaps tantamount that we place ourselves into the correct situations within our scope of decision more often than we don’t. By guiding our decisions within our own scope of authenticity, we begin to see life more as a fun challenge, rather than a perilous disaster.

Life is really only as complex as we choose to make it, and by giving ourselves consistency and choice throughout our daily life, we can begin to see that it is perspective that offers us a glimpse into our past decisions. Only by making it to the other side of an impactful life event are we truly able to see the benefit or detriment of our actions and decisions. Witihin the moment, the best we can hope to do is act with authenticity, trust our intuition, and try to move as gracefully as possible from one point to the next. With the understanding that the hurdles within our path will arrive with inevitablility, we can begin to approach them with this resolve. We must learn from our past experiences to garner value and insight into our future selves.

When broken down to its most minute nature, we can begin to see that all the little decisions that we have each day - Do I brush my teeth?, Do I go to work?, Do I eat healthy today? - are the ones that are ultimately impactful in manifesting the fate of our choice. By consciously choosing each interaction as we go about our day, rather than just doing things on autopilot, we can begin to examine the impact of each choice. Simply being a conscious passenger of our fates, examining and learning from our past experiences, will manifest visible results in one's life. That being said, with all the self awareness in the world we may still consciously crave that late night wedge of pepperoni pizza. We must simply understand that the pizza may taste delicious and satisfy your craving in the moment, but will also likely come with side effects that are detrimental to your intestinal fortitude. Choose wisely.




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