Students of the World

When it comes to the study of life, we are largely students of the subjects of our own choosing. The choices that we make end up manifesting in how we interact within the world, and subsequently the paths that we choose within our settings. By constantly questioning the traditions and mores that are available to us (as well as those that we practice), we are able to manifest what it is that we wish to study within our worlds. We must identify what is authentic to our passions and pursuits, and promote our energy to study that which is relevant to our ongoing thoughts and beliefs. This is perhaps one of the most important reasons for maintaining authenticity within our lives, because as the dissonance within us grows, we become increasingly separated from the truest versions of oursleves. In order to trust ourselves and our intuition, we must aim to maintain consistency of thought and action, no matter the situation, as this will lend us to the most authentic possible outcome.

I believe that this is perhaps one of the core facets of self authenticity, that you must be in the right place at the right time. This is to say that we must maintain the correct spaces both mentally and physically. We have all perhaps had the experience of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and also perhaps ignored the signs and signals that led up to the situation in which that feeling was elicited. By making the decisions, and maintaining the thought process that we find to be most authentic to us, we will ultimately minimize these type of interactions. We will more than often find ourselves within situations that are best suited toward us, and our personal growth within ourselves. This is not to say that we won’t encounter difficult situations within our chosen path, in fact quite the opposite. We must simply remain vigilant that this is indeed our chosen path, and that we have chosen with intention. We must remain mindful that challenges will exist no matter the path we choose. We should thusly choose the most authentic path within our live, that way the challenges and hurdles that inevitably occur are the best fit for who we ultimately want to become, rather than those that lead down paths of despair and desolation.

One of the core gripes with this theory is that there are so many points in our life that the choice seems made for us. Called by any number of names, these fate like encounters seem to square in our paths no matter how much we alter the course of our ships. Ultimately, however, these events within our path are actually a summation of the all the decisions that you made to lead yourself to that spot. The resutls of your actions, or subsequently your inaction is rarely known immediately, no matter what path you choose within your life. It is therefore important that we focus on making decisions that set our future selves up for unlimited positive encounters. We should be making decisions today that impact our tommorrows, even if the impact is imperceivable to the immediacy of our lives. All great achievments within this life take patience, and dedication, a fastidiousness in your understanding that we ultimately become a sum of all our little actions, rather than the impact of the larger more significant ones.


Choose Wisely


Greater Forces