A Fixed Program of Action

Why is it that we practice routines within our daily lives? Many people subscribe to the belief that their daily routines are critically important to their success within their everyday lives. Some will follow routines so strictly that any aberration from their daily prescription causes upset and turmoil within their consciousness. As you may sense, I am not the largest advocate for routine, although I can see how it benefits many people to provide structure for their lives. Some need a rigid construction within their lives to regulate their being, forcing them into a course of action that perpetuates the line within their lives that they wish to take. For me, routine is important only as such that it provides accountability within our lives, and gives structure to the sometimes mundane nature of life. The better way to explain why I don’t enjoy routine is that it is simply unconscious action, preformed in a regimented and preperscripted way. It is my belief that it is far more important to make conscious decisions within our lives that perpetuate careful examination of action withheld or taken. Living consciously within our lives provides more than ample opportunity to rid ourselves of the platitude suffered within the regimental nature of our lives.

When we start to unpack the nature of unconscious action, we can begin to see the potential ill effects of relinquishing consciousness within our actions. Routine is action performed in a perfunctory way, such that we are not thinking about the potential impact on our lives, simply completing an action or behavior because we have trained ourselves in a particular way over a particular period of time. This is not to say that routines are bad or must be eliminated from our lives, far from it. We must examine routine with the same lens as we use on our conscious actions within the external world. Routine can provide good balance and stability within our lives, and often help us to become healthier, more vibrant human beings. However, the duality of this statement should also be frankly noted with the understanding that just as often as routines provides balance and health, they can also create dissonance and ill health. When examining our routines, we should simply always be mindful in the same way with our unconscious actions as we are with our conscious action.

 Take time to unpack your existence in such a way that you make sure that all your routines serve you, as your unconscious decision should be as intentional as the conscious action and energy you present into the world.  We are all made up of conscious and unconscious action and decision, therefore in order to live the most prosperous life, it must be our goal then that the two act within symbiosis of one another. Take time to parse out the thoughts, decisions, and lifestyles that will propel you to become the best version of yourself, and elegantly release those that do not serve this cause. By continually honing your experience to suit you best, you will naturally become aligned with the lifestyles and atmosphere that you desire, and subsequently your truest intentions. Unconscious action may simply fall away as you find that strictly acting confidently within your authenticity serves you best, and resoundingly brings the most impactful events into our lives.


Unpacking Identity


Taming the Unconscious