Unforeseen Developments

When we begin to become the masters of our own thoughts and emotions, we may find that we have an increasing amount of space within ourselves. The mind, when freed from worry and anxiety, can be a very powerful thing, and can often come as a surprise to one who begins their engagement in the path of mastery of one's mind. Often, those who have gained control of their mental well being feel like their minds become vast chasms of emptiness, with the exception of the intentional thoughts that they direct. This outcome often catches us off guard, but eventually brings us to the awareness that before we set out on this journey, our minds were clouded with those thoughts and emotions. When we set out on a process of self improvement or self examination, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual within our lives, we never really know what the outcome of our endeavor will be. We simply know that we desire to become better within some facet of our lives. Perhaps we have a goal in mind when we set out on our path, but ultimately the results that come from self evolution cannot be perceived in the beginning of the endeavor. 

The ancillary benefits that come from self growth and development are the types of unforeseen actions and effects that end up being the most impactful within our lives. When we set out to get into shape by going to the gym more, there is more than the superficial improvement that will inevitably occur with the time and patience put into physical development. Gradually, self esteem will also grow, confidence in one's own ability to change themselves, and subsequently how others within the world perceive them. By growing our body physically, we are also growing our minds; perhaps not in the same way as an MIT student, but in such a way that we can see the results both internally and externally. These are the types of ancillary benefits one can expect when endeavoring into the realm of self improvement. Yes, your biceps will grow and become larger if you train them, but your level of commitment, discipline, and self confidence will grow in tandem.

Growth and change are inevitable within our lives, and it is perhaps our decision to make on how it affects us and is interpreted within our bodies and minds. By making space within our lives for new habits and lifestyles we begin to reap the benefits across a wide spectrum. The external meets the internal, and we should always assume that our internal life will evolve when we change our external way of being. By starting a new hobby, joining a recreational sports team, or moving cities, we can begin to appreciate the change within ourselves that results from the external change. By choosing the most positive and impactful habits within our external lives, we can begin to culture our development into the most authentic and joyful individuals internally. We should always be striving to make ourselves better within our lives, it is simply our choice as to how we begin the construction of our facade. Take care to lay a strong foundation on which to build upon, even if you don’t know how the house will eventually look. We can always renovate and redesign our spaces, but the foundation of which our spaces are built is of critical importance for long term satisfaction.


Unpacking Past Experience


The Decay of Life