Roadblocks and Hurdles

Self evolution is a difficult process, lined with encounters that seem to challenge the path we have chosen. Animals do not simply adapt and evolve without intention and challenge within their environment, and we must take the same approach with ourselves. Staying rooted steadfastly within our environment is quite simple and really requires very little effort. If we wish to simply stay the same within our lives, the condition of life is simply to remain rooted, never leaving our comfort zone despite any environmental information that shows us the opposite. Within a life that is garnered with evolution, challenges must be greeted enthusiastically, with the ultimate understanding that they are the stepping stones and hurdles that we must navigate in order to grow ourselves into the most authentic possible creation. We must also understand that we will encounter challenges no matter the path we choose in life, it is simply our decisions and experiences within our environments that will end up choosing the specific challenges we encounter within our lives.

With this understanding, that life will likely be difficult no matter if you choose the path of greatest authenticity for yourself or not, we should then perhaps make the most impactful choices that bring us the types of challenges that we enjoy, and help us to evolve within ourselves. By leaving our choices and decisions up to fate, we will inevitably be presented with challenges that seem incongruous to our paths, and are more difficult to navigate because they don’t resonate with our purposeful action. The path within life is quite wide when we closely examine it, and the roadblocks that we encounter are generally our own choosing whether we decide to believe that they are or not. We have either intentionally or unintentionally navigated ourselves to the point in the road where we encounter the road block, and it is subsequently our responsibility to navigate our way around them.

As we grow and evolve within ourselves, we begin to gain perspective on how we used to be, and how we intend to become. We often don’t realize the potential benefits gained from traversing a difficult situation until we are forced to examine the hurdle with the critical eye of retrospect. How we approach and subsequently overcome the challenges that we are presented with ultimately defines the nature of our being. Do we simply roll over or back away when a challenge is presented? Or, do we critically and consciously assess how we ended up where we landed, and use this information to provide perspective on how to overcome the hurdle which we have been presented. If we do not wish to encounter a similar hurdle within our future, we must critically assess how to navigate to a different part of the path where hurdles of this nature will not obscure our future progress.

We must remain vigilant as we are growing of the ever present stumbling blocks within the process of our evolution. Because there will be stumbling blocks. Probably lots of them, and you likely won’t see them coming. For this reason, it is important then to perhaps take the perspective that within this process of growth there are no mistakes, only lessons. There is no money or time wasted, just experience gained. By being intentional and conscious within our decisions in our evolution, we are able to view life in this lens: That the most difficult parts of our lives are just as valuable as the times when things seem to be smooth sailing. The events that occur within our lives are just culminations of previous action and thought, and provide value to defining our narrative regardless of the outcome.


The Benefit of Hindsight


A Pattern of Belief