Reflection on Space
Our choices within our lives should be the most advantageous and favorable for our lifestyles as we move within this world. The choice that is impactful, expressive, and meaningful within our own lives will fundamentally bear the greatest results. But, and this is a big but, we must have space within our lives first to make these decisions. Many of us are tethered to our current lives by the decisions from our past: Good decisions, bad decisions, indifferent decisions - they all have resulted in your current situation. That is to say, that you are here now, because of the big pile of decisions you have made leading up to this point. When starting to make changes within your lifestyle, you will naturally begin to free up space within yourself, breaking the bonds of the previous decision making. Breaking old habits, examining your current life, and ultimately making choices that are most sensitive to your current, and perhaps future needs will result in new space and experience within your life.
Changing our lifestyles is often quite difficult, and many of us are very resistant to the thought of changing our current behaviors. Change is an important part of the process of becoming authentic to ourselves, therefore it is a necessary hurdle that we must overcome. The most difficult step in change is the first. Taking that first big step to conquer your fear of doing something that is unfamiliar to you, something that you might be terrible at, or may make you feel disappointed with yourself. This feeling of uncomfortability must be conquered in order to progress, and allow more space within your life for new feelings, thoughts, and activities. Comfortability is tantamount to stagnation within our lives, thus we must make ourselves somewhat uncomfortable in order to progress within our path. We must have confidence that our fear of the unknown is just that, unknown. The hurdle itself is the fear of failure, rejection, or dissapointment. In order to continue to progress within our lives, we have to reframe these emotions with a sense of wonder and enjoyment.
By going out into the world, and experiencing it within the capacity of your own choices and expression, we begin to see very clearly the things within this world that do and don’t serve us. We must stay curious about our beings, and the impactful nature of the choices that we make within our lives. It is only through the process of exploration of our worlds, both physical and mental, that we will be able to tease out the true nature of our beings. Inevitably when we begin to make changes within our lifestyles and experience new things within our lives there will be activities and thought processes that we don’t enjoy. However, it is perhaps one of my core sentiments when exploring the self that the best way to find what you love, is to find that which you don’t. We may even find that once we’ve made significant space within our lives by changing our lifestyles, that we really didn’t like our past activities and modalities. This may be one of the most influential points in our growth as we realize that our former lives were just as unpleasant as anything we may experience within our quest for authenticity within our lives.