Finding the Path

As we begin to explore our most authentic selves through our decision making in our life, the ability to identify the correct path within any given situation becomes perhaps tantamount to our success within our live. When acting on our intuition, love, and self awareness we are often able to make the decision that will be most beneficial for us and for those within our lives. There really are no right or wrong choices within this path, just lessons and experience, because after all you're acting with intention and with self interest, right?! I often return to my earlier sentiment, stating that when on the journey to self discovery and awareness there is no time or money lost, just experience and insight gained.

When it comes to our individual paths of growing authenticity, we can often gain a different perspective when it comes to our lives: Instead of living in a space of fear and anxiety about what we do within a certain situation, the only anxiety perhaps comes from being inauthentic to yourself. By making decisions authentic to our being, we become focused on the present moment rather than the possible outcomes of our decisions. Of course there will be consequences to the choices we make, but we must ultimately resign ourselves to the consequences of our actions within the present, knowing that our intentions were in the right place. As long as were placing positive intention for progress within our lives as a core value, we will become successful within our chosen path. Make sure that you’re setting your future self up for success rather than failure. Rarely does anyone get divorced, leave their job, or create a new life for themselves overnight. There is an accumulation of decisions, albeit small ones, that add up over a period of time. These are the important intentional decisions within our lives, even the little ones like brushing your teeth or telling your spouse that they look nice today. Each time we make a little decision in our life, we are one step closer to the goal within that intention.

I suppose this is best illustrated through one of my core theses of life which states that life is not inherently a narrow pathway leading from one side to the other. Rather, life is a very wide pathway with a multitude of different opportunities and encounters available to us on a daily basis. It is simply our choice to choose which avenues to pursue, and then bask in the glory of our brightest moments, and be humbled by the times when things didn’t quite go as planned.  Whether the results are perceived as good or bad, ultimately the net gain from a decision made authentically will always be received in a positive way to your authentic self, whether it be short term satisfaction or long term benefits reaped. This is not to say that bad shit won’t happen, but it will be our conscious intentional decisions that caused that bad shit to happen. At the end of the day, we must take ownership of our path, and the results garnered within.


Suffering as Necessity


Cultivating Joy